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5 Ways to Grow Your Business By Building Trust With Customers

  • by Alian Software Collaborator
5 Ways to Grow Your Business By Building Trust With Customers
Every aspect of your design business - no matter how big or how small - all work together to grow your business. Your website, your storefront, your products, and even your store hours all play a part... and especially your customer interactions both in-person and online. 55% of consumers are willing to pay more money when guaranteed a good experience. Homemaking and interior design are no exceptions. Homeowners are more than willing to pay top-dollar to get the best design services. But how do you build that trust in buyers and assure them that their time and money is well worth spent? Here's how to grow your business and build trust with buyers in 5 easy steps!

1. Keep Your Brand On Point

Imagine a store with an outdated front window and sign. The paint chips off. The colors are fading and it doesn't list its hours on the front door. Now, imagine a different store with a brand new front display. You can clearly tell the company's name from the sign alone... and you can even gauge what their business is all about. Which store are you more likely to enter? First impressions lay the foundation of trust between brands and consumers. If brand development isn't something you've focused on, it’s time to. Maybe you need to revamp your website or focus on building your social media following. Or, it could be time to come up with a logo or a new front display for your store. Whatever the case may be, having a strong brand will always leave the best impression.

2. Stay Organized

As a home designer and maker, you have to deliver a timeline of results to your clients. If you're unable to deliver in a timely manner, that's when buyers will begin to have doubts. But meeting your deadlines isn't the only thing you need to concern yourself with. If you list a price or give a quote, only to go and change it, buyers will stop trusting you. Understanding profit margins will do more than help you price appropriately. You’ll be able to take your business to the next level… and you’ll build trust with buyers in the process. Staying organized is key to carrying this out successfully.

3. Set Policies & Release Information on Time

As your business grows, you may be able to alter your prices. You may even be able to give yourself more flexibility with your operating hours. Whenever the occasion arises, it's important to release this information far in advance. Whether that means creating a new open/close sign, sending out social media reminders, writing up a newsletter, and updating your local listings... let the public know! It's also important to clarify your company's policies right from the get-go. If you make handmade products, be sure your buyers understand your return policy. If you're a decorator or designer, make sure your buyers sign any contracts you compile. It's not uncommon for makers to work with all types of material. If you do, be sure to disclose any vital information about the products you use. With this type of transparency, you'll build trust with buyers.

4. Answer People’s Questions

Another great way to grow your business build trust with buyers is to communicate with them. The more responsive you are to their questions and concerns, the more they'll trust you. It's important to check your email on a daily basis and return phone calls in a timely manner. It is also a good idea to check your social media pages. It's not uncommon for customers to post in the comments sections, either. If you're listed in local and online directories, you'll want to check these on a regular basis, as well. Anytime someone posts feedback - whether negative or positive - you'll want to respond. To buyers, you'll not only seem responsive and active... but genuine.

5. Deliver the Finest Services

Delivering the finest results is the single most important thing you can ever do. Not only will you build a better relationship for yourself and your business. You'll also build relationships with clients and buyers that will last for years to come. With these 5 easy steps, you'll be able to build a strong business - and so much more. If you're still wondering how to build trust with buyers, it may be the case that you need help finding them. That's where Artisan Born comes in. With our Pro Plan, we can help you grow your business and connect with interested buyers. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today!


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