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5 Tips for Making More Time to Create

  • by Alian Software Collaborator
5 Tips for Making More Time to Create
Do you struggle to find time for hobbies and other things you love? For most of you, you probably love to create things. However, since you have a business you have a busy schedule. Below you will find five tips for making more time to create and make more time to do what you love.

1. Make Creating a Number One Priority

Make creating a priority! Don’t let your passions slip by you, take some time to create. Mark time on your calendar when you have time available and tell yourself nothing else is happening I am taking this time to do something that I love. Don’t try to squeeze in creating, build your schedule around it.

2. Take Advantage of Your Behaviors

Take advantage of when your moods and behaviors are at their peaks. It’s easiest to keep track of this by writing down a schedule in a journal. Write the time of day your mood is the best, also make sure you're writing down when you feel your highest level of creativity. This way you can use that time to its full potential.

3. Create a Routine

Once you’ve found out when you are the most creative, it’s time to create a routine. Build a routine based on what days you're creative and what days you're not. Use your non-creative days to get work done and use your creative days to create. Make sure you start slowly introducing your routine in your life. For example, on days your creative take a break to draw, knit, or brainstorm to help you get into your routine.

4. Get Rid of Distractions

It is easy to get distracted with things like texting, social media, Netflix, etc. If you notice that your attention is to caught up in distractions like social media it may be a good idea to remove your phone or computer from your workspace if you don’t need it. You may also find distractions like chores around the house, do those things beforehand so you can focus on your work.

5. Go Easy on Yourself

Once you find a routine that works for you, you don’t have to be super worried about it. Time management is key to productivity, but it is also important you let your creativity flow.

Bottom Line

You can make more time to create, you just have to try! Now that you know five tips for making more time to create it’s time for you to put it into your routine! Are you going to make time to create? Do you already have methods involving making time to create? If you do let us know in the comments! Check out our blog for more tips, ideas, and inspiration!


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