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Creative & Fun Packaging Ideas for Your Home Design Products

  • by Alian Software Collaborator
Creative & Fun Packaging Ideas for Your Home Design Products
The purpose and importance of packaging are obvious. It ensures safe delivery free of damage, as well as happy customers. But so often people overlook the true power of innovative packaging ideas. After all, the packaging is the first thing that customers see before the product itself. And it can leave a lasting impression in ways you may not even realize. What do you want your customers to think when their package arrives at their front door? How do you want your brand to be memorable? And in what ways can your packaging help customers remember you by? Here are creative and fun packaging ideas for your home design products!

Establish Your Identity

It may not seem that important... but the personality that your packaging conveys should always align with your brand. Take a designer who creates minimalist home decor pieces, for example. Their brand is all about elegance and neutral colors void of loud patterns and neon colors. Now, imagine what a customer may think when their shipment arrives... wrapped in polka dot paper with sparkles and rainbow ribbon. Our point is this: Your packaging isn't the focal point of the delivery. But it can speak volumes about your brand and what you're all about. Even the slightest things can go wrong in the delivery process. You don't want to turn your customers away because of something as simple as the packaging. With all that said, take a long, hard think about your brand. What are some words that would describe it? More specifically, who are your customers and what are their personalities like? Once you've better identified your brand, it's time to come up with some creative packaging ideas!

Logo Stickers

Does your home design business have a logo you like to flaunt on its website and advertisements? If so, what better way to hit your brand home than by showcasing your logo on packages? You can never go wrong with round sticker labels. Since most packaging is rectangular or square, a circle adds delicate contrast. Plus, round sticker labels are all too easy to create. You'll need a printer, sticker paper, and a circle punch about 1-2" in diameter. Feel free to experiment with larger circle punches if you package bulkier items. If you already have a logo, it'll be a matter of copying and pasting onto a word processor. You don't need a logo to create them. You can use fonts that fit with your brand or create a design on Photoshop.

Message Labels

Sometimes packaging doesn't need to be overly decorated. In fact, some customers would prefer a label that describes the contents inside. Other times, all you need to include is your company name or messages like: Thank you! Enjoy! Either way, stamped message labels come in handy. And all you need are sticker labels or beveled edge tags, ink, and a rolling alphabet stamp. After creating a message with your alphabet stamp, test it out on some paper. If the ink works well, apply it to your sticker labels or tags. During certain times of the year, feel free to alternative your ink colors, as well as your tags and labels. For example, during the holidays, use green and red colors, or blue and white combinations. Then, in the spring, you can incorporate a wider variety of pastel colors.

The Packaging Essentials

Aside from scissors and tape, what other packaging supplies will you need? You may feel inclined to package your products into regular cardboard boxes. But why not go the extra mile and invest in colored boxes? If you do use boxes, make sure you're stocked on bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and cotton. You can use craft paper bags for smaller and lighter items. Go for embossed paper bags and seal them off with a logo sticker. Wrap smaller packages with twine, ribbon, or string - whatever speaks to your brand!

Don’t Forget the Receipt!

Do you have incredible penmanship? If so, don't be afraid to show it off by handwriting the receipts. There are all types of receipt paper. You can even type and print them out. But nothing says artisan quite like good old-fashioned guest check paper!

Create an Experience with Your Packaging Ideas

There's an entire industry based around packaging. Companies - large and small alike - can benefit by personalizing their packaging. And the most important thing to keep in mind is the experience of the customer. You want your customers to have an easy and enjoyable time when they receive and open your products. With these creative and fun packaging ideas for home design products, you can do just that - and more! Your packaging should say a lot about your brand. Do you want your customers to recognize you as environmentally conscious? If so, be sure to try these affordable and eco-friendly packaging ideas!


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