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Your Guide to Brainstorming & Utilizing Home Design Keywords

  • by Alian Software Collaborator
Your Guide to Brainstorming & Utilizing Home Design Keywords
Did you know that organic web traffic generates over 40% of company revenue? You may be thinking, "So what? That can't possibly apply to the home design industry." But you may be pleasantly surprised! It may seem like there's a lot more networking and word of mouth marketing in interior and home design. Regardless, modern consumers are all about using the Internet to find businesses. Even consumers looking for home design services! Utilizing home design keywords online can make all the difference for your business. They can lead to higher web traffic, better customer outreach... and not to mention, bigger revenue! Not sure what keywords are and how they work? How do you choose the right ones and optimize them for your website and online store? Here's your guide to brainstorming and utilizing home design keywords!

Understanding Keywords & How They Work

Think back to the last time you searched for a product or service online. It’s likely you began the query by entering a word or phrase into a search engine. And it's these words and phrases that are ultimately known as keywords. Think about what happened next. After entering a keyword, the search engine compiled pages of relevant websites. But how do search engines rank these websites... and why do some websites appear at the top of results pages (otherwise known as SERPs)? Search engines rank websites according to their algorithms. Algorithms are formulas that rank websites based on their quality and domain authority. Algorithms also pick up on when websites implement certain keywords. They'll then rank websites based on their relevance to these keywords. This is why some websites rank higher than others when you go to search for a keyword. Algorithms have determined the top sites as the most relevant to that keyword.

Choosing the Right Keywords

What are some home design keywords that would be relevant to your business? Let's say you're an independent interior designer. Featuring keywords like "interior design" is a good place to start. It tells both search engines and your audience what you're all about. But something as generic as "interior design" won't help you rank high on SERPs. Hundreds of thousands of people search for that keyword every day. Unless your website has high domain authority, it's likely it'll get lost in a long list of SERPs. Using online analytics tools can help you forecast how certain keywords will perform. Tools like Google Analytics and the MOZ Keyword Explorer are great ones to start out with. They'll not only show you how frequently people search for a keyword. They'll also show variations of a keyword that may be trending.

Optimizing Your Keywords

Featuring a variety of home design keywords is your best bet. You'll want to get as specific to your business as possible. If you're a minimalist designer in San Diego, for example, you'll want to use keywords that reflect that. Something like "minimalist designer in San Diego" will help local searchers. Using keywords as titles and tags are also crucial - especially for your online store or Etsy account. These keywords help potential buyers find you. When you list products on your online store, be sure to get as specific as possible. What is the specific product? Who is the product geared towards? What is it made of and what's its color? If you're a maker, you can also describe your techniques as keywords. Maybe you create letterpress graphics, do burned woodworking, or blow glass. Whatever it is, describe your technique along with the product to get as specific as possible. The surest way to build your domain authority is to constantly come up with new content. Maintaining a blog is the best way to go about this. With a blog, you can publish relevant, useful, and interesting content... and implement as many optimal keywords as possible.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Home Design Keywords

All successful designers and makers build their reputations by being innovative and unique. But in the day and age of the Internet, even those in the home design industry have to step up their game. Using keywords to market your business can do so much for your website and online store. And more importantly, they can help you connect with prospective clients. Your guide to brainstorming and utilizing home design keywords will go a long way. But how else will you market your business both online and offline? If you're in need of a better marketing plan, let us help you. Learn more about the Artisan Born Pro Plan today!


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